Thursday, July 13, 2006

Toe Tale

I have to share with ya'll how darn stupid I can sometimes be (not that you don't already know that...). Anyway, yesterday at work I went to whiz from one side of my desk to the other and somehow managed to run over my own toe. No big deal you may think, but, have you ever tried to stand up and release said toe when your whole bodyweight is upon it? I was crouched in a semi-stand, hovering inches above the seat, trying to escape the chair which just kept following me. I was trapped and it hurt. Needless to say, blood soon thereafter flowed. This is the same toe that I dropped my suitcase on in the airport and then endured a week of swollen foot, ouch. And the same toe that early last year suffered a black and tender toenail for weeks after a day of moving dirt in a pair of tennis shoes that seemed to be one-size too small. I'm surprised, and impressed, that the toenail is still there!

Long Live the Toenail!

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