Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Monday, October 02, 2006

Keeping up the tradition

The Romantic, Serious Side...

View from the back deck



View from my bedroom


My girls...

The Sunny, Silly Side...

Tracey May, all hooked up...





In other words, tiddlers equate to hotdogs for dinner : )

Tangled line, sucken pliers, mis-thrown casts, drowned corks. Let's just call it "accident prone"...

Hats off to a great weekend!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

We all got bigger fish to fry...

Josephine's was the place to hang out before catching Edward Osborne Wilson at Jones Hall. E.O., as we affectionately refer to him, is the most respected pioneer of biodiversity in the world, aside from which he's a fanatic entomologist, which adds a slice of mystery to his otherwise nerdy occupation. After all, who could be more enigmatic than someone who can write a whole book about nothing but ants? The topic of the evening was simple, and something that was driven home to me more than once this week: we are killing the world we live in, and if we don't start to take it seriously and do something we are all toast. There was no toast involved at Josephine's that evening, but the fish was pretty darn good : )