Friday, July 28, 2006

Levy Park - Urban Harvest Update

It's not quite as loaded with offerings for the food bank as it was in May, but it's still beautiful and well maintained. Some of the beds are coming up for grabs and I'm toying with the idea of going on the waiting list. It would be pretty convenient for Friday afternoons; but then again, we are talking about Friday afternoons. I could have gone home and taken a nap today, after the couple of hours sleep I managed last night (no thanks to a certain someone who I try to avoid at all costs but am unfortunately tied to for the next 9 or so years...), anyway, nap-time wasn't happening as I had previously volunteered to clean up the NSOTP flower bed.

I'd never experienced an attack by killer ants before, but now I know how it feels and will try to avoid it in future. The poor ladies volunteering probably thought I was crazy, jumping down from the raised bed, throwing my tennis shoes and socks down the path, slapping at my own feet and legs. I notice that no one came running to my aide. Humph.

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