Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's not a secret anymore...

Over 10,000 Houstonians (and a few non-natives, I'm sure) turned out for the opening of the Sabine to Bagby Promenade.

Fireworks bloomed as the blue lights were officially turned on for the first time. The lights, designed by artist Stephen Korns and international lighting firm L'Observatoire, are a permanent installation that will coordinate color changes with the phases of the moon.

Food and drink was aplenty (even if the lines were long, eh hum), music played, men on stilts, well, walked on stilts, and fire-eaters ate, erm, fire...

The floating cinema played some strange artsy movies, and even the downtown workers got in on the fun (picture workaholic lawyer on 18th floor at desk w/flashlight).

Thanks to Anne and the crew at BBP for all their hard work! The secret's out, but that's okay. There are other places...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heard that you have to watch out at those kind of events for petty thievery. If you allow yourself to be distracted for even a moment, you may find your cigarettes snatched.