Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Great, The Great and The Ugly

The Great(1): Had a rip-roaring good time at the very swanky Haynes Whaley open house. Amy, Kim, you girls deserve a big fat raise. What a great event; I heard several people thank and congratulate Larry. He owes you ladies BIG TIME!!!

It was wonderful to catch up with Andrea; I encourage you to keep on doing what you're doing. It will pay off.

Kim, who knew a couple of martinis could go to such good use :p We'll be proud to call you a member, sign up immediately, girl!!!

The Great(2): Unexpected deadline extension. No work this weekend! Yahoo!

The Ugly: My subdivision newsletter describes us as "A family community in FAR WEST Houston". That makes me livid! I'm an urban dweller by nature. I feel like a hamster in a llama pen. I need to get out of the sprawl, any ideas, anyone?

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