Saturday, July 16, 2005

Old Mother Hubbard

I think it's been over two-weeks since I went to the grocery store. My poor family have been living off of Kraft Dinner, as Ali calls it, Crap Dinner, as I call it, and whatever canned soup is in the pantry. Why have I been such a neglectful wife and mother you ask? Work. Late nights, weekends, industry related events, program training. That's what's been keeping me away from my family. I managed to catch up with Big Brother while scoffing down a What-a-Burger chicken finger meal before trudging to bed on Thursday (thank the Lord for DVR). And reading a couple of pages of Harry Potter before bed each night has not managed to stop me from a) lying awake trying to push QuickBooks out of my mind even though I'm dead-tired, or b) dreaming all night about how to link billable-hours to invoices. Ugh. Work sucks. I plan to do nothing this weekend. Well, okay, I have to do housework, buy groceries, and go into work on Sunday. But compared to last weekend that will still be doing nothing.

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