Monday, May 30, 2005

In Tune with Nature

Wally and I stole 42 toadpoles from nature last weekend. Don't worry, we're going to give them back - hopefully. If we don't kill them all we'll be able to release them back into the wild after they morph. The whole process may take about 8 weeks, and while it's great fun to watch them on a daily basis, I'm getting impatient to see their little legs develop. I'm pretty sure we're doing everything right; we're feeding them frozen lettuce and algae wafers, removing the lettuce frequently so it doesn't get stinky, and changing the water when it looks a bit cloudy...fingers crossed. My only concern is over-crowding. Some of them are still tiny; the fact that they are not all growing at the same rate is a sign of over-crowding. I may buy another tank and split them up. We'll need another tank anyway, as when they develop their legs they have to be removed from the water into a humid, leafy atmosphere. Wish us luck.

1 comment:

Maybelline said...

Update: we now have two tanks. They seem to be growing much faster. One of them looks like it has the beginning of tiny legs poking out - oh, hang on, that's a poo.