Saturday, July 08, 2006

It's amazing...

...what absolute old crap people will buy at a yard sale. No offense to Janis, Jennifer's mom, host of fore-mentioned yard sale, who kindly feed us delicious homemade chicken salad and provided a comfortable bed for the night so I could place first dibs on her "moving sale" goodies.

Jennifer, Noelie, Christian and I set out Friday afternoon for Orange. When we arrived Janis had already laid out the wares and we got prime pickin's. She was the first to admit there was a lot of junk for sale, but the next day we were highly entertained by swarms of life-long Orange inhabitants who had the most hilarious and fascinating tales to tell and devoured her cast-offs as if they were priceless antiques. Much money was made, a huge surprise to us all, and only a few boxes of tut were left over for GoodWill.

We ventured out the evening before to strategically place the obligatory "Yard Sale" signs, and witnessed evidence of Rita's wrath: Abandoned homes in disrepair and trees still uprooted and uncleared everywhere. Very sad.

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